Friday, November 7, 2014

I went to the Monkey Temple today. There truly were monkeys everywhere! I hired a taxi to take me there and back because it was kind of a long way from where I'm staying and the streets and traffic are really narrow and kind of scary.i
Taxis here are also super cheap. The same ride would have cost me 10 times as much in Chicago.

I had lots of fun experiences on the Monkey Temple grounds. I spun a prayer wheel and had an older woman paint on my third eye. I saw tons of monkeys, bought Charity a Christmas present (which I most successfully bartered for) and took lots of pictures.

I'm having a hard time posting pictures to the blog because now blogger makes you go through Google +, which I don't really have set up. I took lots of great pics though and then went back to my hotel to sit in the sunshine by the pool. Then I got some yogurt for lunch nearby and that's about it for today.

So, I figured out how to add photos!
Hotel Shanker
The Monkey Temple

The Monkeys of Swayambhunath


The third eye

More of the grounds

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