Saturday, August 30, 2014

Getting the right people involved...

This week I've been getting more people involved.  As I've been thinking about it, several ways to do this, that seemed easy and natural, seemed to emerge.  First, I decided to use my connection to one of the middle schools in my school district, to get their students involved. I met with the principal, presented my half-formed ideas and she ran with them!  This principal also introduced me to a 6th grade teacher who has a keen interest in the region because he lived there! This teacher also supervises the student body officers who choose what the school will participate in, as their only fundraiser, yearly.  As you can imagine, I was overwhelmed by their vision, creativity and passion for my project.

The other person that became involved is the PR person for our district. He interviewed me and plans to help me get the word out about this unique project. He's also working on possible news coverage; I've invited the president of the Wasatch Room to Read chapter to appear with me if that additional piece works out.

I  also purchased my plane ticket to Nepal; I've allowed a couple of days on each end of the trek for travel so I will be gone for a total of 23 days.

I also created this poster that I plan to display in all libraries in my school district and in as many public libraries, stores and gyms as I can get it in. I ended up making it, so it's certainly not professional quality,  hopefully it will help me get the word out. :)

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Getting the right equipment....

I bought my first pair of hiking boots today.  This seems kind of weird since I'm going on this monumental hike, but I've been surviving with Nikes for over 10 years in the Utah mountains....

I have to say I was pretty excited about them though. I even went into my friend's office, sat down, pulled them out of the box and put them on right there. She's been giving me good advice about publicizing this event, so she didn't think this was completely weird. ;)

 The juxtaposition of the two styles of shoes is amazing. I've posted them both here so you can see what I mean. Yeah, I'm kind of a glam girl. The only reason why I didn't have on my 4" pumps with my skinny jeans was because it's still summer and I can't bare to give up my sandals yet!

Since my last post I have done the following additional things to get ready:

1. Contacted an artist to make a poster (my daughter) for advertising purposes (posters, business cards, FB badge).
2. Began getting more serious about training by running longer every morning, running elevated, and including strength training.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Hike for Room to Read

I'm blogging about my next exciting adventure for two reasons 1. Because there might be others who want to do something similar and a blueprint might be helpful for them. 2. As a record for my children and grand-children so they will know what I'm about, what makes me general, what motivates me.

This adventure was made possible because my children are finally all adults. My youngest son graduated from high school this spring and left to live in Brazil for two years this morning. My daughters are married, happy, independent women. My oldest son still lives with me but has his own life going with college, work, theater and friends. So, I now have the freedom to travel the world!

I've made arrangements with my work for the time off. I'm 47, healthy, and eager to stretch my wings and fly! I've never really had this chance because I married young and began having children right away so there were no backpacking trips across Europe in my wild adventures. I would not choose differently, if I could go back and do it again. My children are, and have always been, the joy of my life. I do not regret one moment that I have spent with them. However, I'm looking forward to this new chapter of my life, so grateful that my health and circumstances allow me to pursue some of my dreams.

I've decided to go to Nepal and hike Mount Everest to Base Camp. At first, I was just going to hike it and I was hoping someone I knew might want to come with me. That was about 6 months ago. Now, I've decided to go alone and to make it a charitable hike for the organization Room to Read. These changes came about because the friends I have either cant go, because the amount of time involved (3 weeks) or thought I was completely crazy and had no desire to accompany me.

Looking forward and dreaming....
I'm not really going to be alone as I've chosen a guide service (Himalayan Glacier Limited) so I'll be in a group of about 11 other people plus 2 guides, 2 sherpas and some yaks. I also won't be camping. We will stop at tea houses at villages along the route each evening and will be fed. So, I'm not really this athletic, rugged, outdoor adventurer. I'm a girl who exercises regularly, spends all summer and fall hiking in the rocky mountains, but also likes a bit of comfort and some company.

I chose to make this a charitable hike for two reasons. The first was because a colleague of mine introduced me to an organization that I have come to believe in. As I have learned more about them, I've become impressed and humbled by their work. The second motivation came when I overheard a conversation that another colleague was having about a similar thing she had been involved in....these two experiences started the wheels turning and my excitement for this additional element began! The organization I have chosen, Room to Read, will help me to put two things that I'm passionate about together (hiking and literacy) because they focus on literacy, education and building libraries.

I don't know anything about anything I'm doing so I'm involving people who do. I've completed the following steps on this journey:

1. I've researched Nepal and figured out when the best times to hike are (The Lonely Planet) and I've registered with the US Embassy in Nepal.
2. I've researched recommended guides in the Everest Region.
3. I've met with the PR person for the Wasatch Chapter of Room to Read and introduced my plan to her. She has agreed to help publicize my efforts.
4. I've asked the PR person at work to help publicize my fund raising efforts. He has agreed.
5. I've gotten fund raising tips from a colleague who has been involved in similar ventures, multiple times.
6. I've developed my own donation page on the Room to Read site.
7. I've decided when to go and how to come up with the funds to make it possible (none of the funds raised through Room to Read will support my travel; all funds raised will go to Room to Read).

That's it so far. I'll continue to blog as I go along....stay tuned.