Things that have happened since my last birthday...
This isn't an attempt to pat myself on the back it's merely a reflection that proves to me that life isn't over at 45; it's only beginning! I owe much of my success and good fortune to my family, friends, mentors, and colleagues (you know who you are)!
Kayla & Bryce |
Two of my daughters got married (Kayla and Charity). Blessed by the additions of Bryce and Jeremy to our family.
Hailey, Naomee & Harmony |
Charity & Jeremy |
My 7th grand-daughter (Harmony) was born!
I met my goal to read the scriptures every day! (FB helped with this since I subscribe to scripture sites and get them delivered).
I earned my 2nd Masters degree in Information Systems and Learning Technologies from the University of Missouri with a 4.0 GPA! Thank-you family for enduring the past two years.
Wrote an article for the LIRT News, The Times they are a Changin', for the March 2013 issue. Thanks go to Leslie for editing.
Managed 41 libraries, 58 Media Assistants and 12 Librarians (who have taught me so much; I am truly humbled by their dedication and service to the students in CSD). Thanks go to Hollie and Amber for their continual support, faith and patience!
I lost 13 lbs!
I was elected President of the American Library Association's Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT). My term begins July 2013.
I wrote a successful grant ($59,000) for 76 new computers for two high school libraries! Thanks go out to Christie for her suggestions and advice.
Had 2 kids leave Utah (one came back).
Traveled to the Caribbean (twice) Anaheim, Seattle, New Orleans and the Mexican Riviera.

Adopted a dog (our first real pet in 20 years). Thank-you Julie!
Youngest child got his driver's license (got in one accident) and we both survived!
Hiked numerous trails all over Utah. Discovered some new ones in Payson Canyon last summer. :)
Celebrated 12 years of marriage. :)
I expect the next year to be just as memorable...I'm kicking it off with a trip to Oahu via Vegas beginning on my birthday 3/22/13! So happy my girls and my dear friend Alys want to spend time with me! I'm always blessed by their presence!
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