Thursday, November 5, 2020

still shaking...

I had an awful surprise yesterday. I walked out into my garage to get in my car and saw a very small boy playing over in one corner. This child was probably only 2. He couldn't talk and didn't know his name or where he lived! I stepped out in the street to see if I could see a frantic parent looking for him but I didn't see anyone except two children. I took the little boy by the hand and walked up the street to the older children and asked if they knew him; they didn't. Another neighbor a bit farther up came outside so I asked if she knew where he belonged; she didn't. Next to her house was a park. There was a young mother with some children that were close to this little boys age so I asked her but, once again, she had no idea. At this point I was truly frightened...and about ready to call the police! I decided to try one more neighbor's house. I rang the bell and asked if she knew the little boy. Thank goodness she did! But what really bothered me was the fact that she said it had happened before several times! I was petrified! I couldn't stop shaking for almost 30 minutes after he was safely home. I had nightmares about it last night! I decided that if I ever see this child wandering again I'm calling the police. He was quite a long way from my view, children that age should never be out of their parent or caregivers sight or hearing. My own daughter has a child that age. She would never let either of her daughters out of her sight. I'm still recovering from the shock!

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