I was reading an article about popular tatoos in the paper the other day; I have to admit some of them were very creative, unique & beautiful! I sport no tatoos of my own and I think part of the reason why is because everytime I've felt like I might want to get one I've been in a foreign country and I've learned from experience that one of the most important things about the conversation with the tatooist (is that a word?) is that there be no language barrier or misunderstanding....another stupid travel story... remember if it's absolutely ridiculous, it has happened to me or someone I know!
I was in Mexico with my husband several years back; we were on Cozumel shopping after diving all morning when suddenly, after looking at numerous designs, my man decides he wants a tatoo. The funny thing was he didn't want any that were in the sample book. He wanted one of Calvin (you know the kid that pees on everything) peeing on a Ford symbol. Well I thought that was a weird thing to have on your leg and tried to talk him out of it by suggesting that if they didn't have the design perhaps they didn't know how to do that one. So He walks over to the kid in charge of sales and starts trying to describe what he wants. I was too far away to hear what he was saying but the gestures I watched were funnier than any Calvin comic I've ever read! The guys eyes got real big and he cracked a lopsided grin... I put two and two tegether and knew he was in big trouble! I ran over and said, "honey he thinks you want something I know you don't want...the pain involved would be...well unbearable! The light dawned in his eyes, and he began laughing, me too... almost wet myself right there.
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